A Wing and a Prayer updated
We would like to announce the latest version of the A Wing and a Prayer rulebook is now available online as a download. We like to thank Jan Horinek for his considerable time to develop this update. Jan has corrected and improved many of the rules, added a few new ones, improved the charts and tables, adjusted the scoring system and put it on a more historical timeline bringing even more tension into the game.
We would be amiss not to thank designer Erik von Rossing, for bringing us this wonderful design.
Updated contents:
- Manual – A new completely rewritten manual
- Single Player Tables
- Two-Player Tables
- Briefing Card
- Escort and Mission Track
- 1 Player Turn Sequence
- 2 Player Turn Sequence
This thread is a bunch of after-action reports from the full-length campaign played by the 2.4 rules on BGG.
This thread has some of the pre-release discussions about the v2.4 update development on BGG.